
2025 programme


Public volunteering sessions inside the garden are suspended during our infrastructure work; however we will be running a series of workshops and also working on our new community orchard area just outside the existing garden (in Partnership with Groundworks, Leeds City Academy and Morgan Sindell)

If you are interested in joining our volunteer WhatsApp group please send your name and a request to join the group to 07 738 240 619.

If you are volunteering please dress to the weather and bring appropriate footwear. PPE and and tools are provided. All volunteers need to understand and abide by our ‘earth care - people care - fair share. principles and show respect to both the garden and each other…

Please read our volunteering handbook here.

Permaculture in Action Sessions

From mid April we will be running regular Permaculture in Action events on Saturdays. These will be practical learning sessions where you can get involved in developing your skills and the garden!

Our Wednesday evening volunteering and social evening programme will commence in mid April 2025


Our garden currently has an area devoted to natural dye plants (the Guild of Dyers), and this has inspired us to add a few other themed areas that many people have expressed an interest in. We are therefore proposing to develop a Guild of Herbalists when we reopen, We will also be hosting a monthly 'Guild of Designers’ where new and established Permaculture designers can meet, share designs and learn together.

If you are interested in joining (or starting) a Guild message us on 07738 240 619 or  contact us via our Facebook page.

Workshops and Courses

Wednesdays 1-3pm Woodhouse Eco Action Collective

  • A free sustainable horticulture programme for local people who are unemployed/on a low income/asylumseekers/refugees funded by a National Lottery Community Fund small grant from Climate Action Leeds and run in partnership with Woodhouse Community Centre,

  • This weekly informal education programme gives you the chance to build skills and confidence in sustainable gardening.  Covering everything from street and bin yard growing to forest gardening, you can learn about plants, soils, building natural habitats while having fun, making new friends, and creating beautiful edible spaces across Woodhouse.

  • Meet at Woodhouse Community Centre

    Swales Workshop

Saturday 14th June 2025

Permaculture and Climate Action Day

We are back again with our 3rd annual fayre!

If you are interested in having a stall, or running a workshop please contact us.

Booking for the Workshop programme on our Permaculture Day will open in April. Workshops be re free to local residents on a low income on thanks tofunding from Climate Action Leeds.
