This pay-as-you-feel workshop was being run initially for a specific group but I'm opening it up because of its usefulness and wide applicability, with contributions going towards future Bedords happenings.
The product from a wormery is some of the higest quality compost available and, with very little plannning, a womery can be a much more efficient and quicker way to produce compost from a house's food waste than sticking it in a pile and leaving it to rot.
This workshop will teach you how to maintain an indoor wormery (or inside an enclosed space that stays above 5°c) and how it can form part of your household waste and food growing system. It will not tell you how to build a wormery, but:
- how to look after it,
- what problems come up,
- why it's useful
- what to do with the lovely stuff you get at the end.
The workshop will run on Tuesday 27th September from 6:30 - 7:45pm but may finish earlier. If you come a bit late it's not a problem as the workshop will be quite informal. There will be hot drinks. If you can not come to this workshop but would like to come to another, send an email to signalling your interest and I'll see if there's enough interest to run another.